Preventing Ice Contamination with Safe Practices

Reading Time: 5 minutes Ice Safety

Ice contamination
The FDA defines ice as a food, but does it have the potential to spread foodborne illness the same way as a cut of steak would? Ice contamination is a real thing, and it can make customers very sick if you’re not following proper guidelines. Let’s discuss the types of foodborne illnesses that can spread in an ice machine and ... Read More

What is the Difference Between Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Ice Machine Cleaning, Ice Safety

Difference between cleaning and sanitizing
Understanding the difference between cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing is vital if you want to effectively remove many diseases like E. coli or coronavirus. Whether you own a restaurant ice machine,  hospital ice maker or any other commercial ice machine, eliminating contaminants is key to ensuring the safety of your customers and employees. In this article, we’ll discuss the different processes involved with ... Read More

Coronavirus: How to Keep Your Employees and Customers Safe

Reading Time: 6 minutes Ice Safety

Coronavirus Ice Machines

With the spread of coronavirus, businesses need to do all they can to help prevent infection of customers and employees – that includes taking care of your ice supply. We share the best practices from the CDC and ways to keep your ice supply safe.

Does Ice Carry Germs?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Ice Machine Cleaning, Ice Safety

Does Ice Carry Germs

We know many surfaces can carry germs, but can an ice cube spread infection? While viruses and bacteria don’t grow on ice, employees can accidentally contaminate an ice supply with these pathogens if they don’t practice proper ice handling techniques. We show you the best way to protect your ice supply.

Health Inspection Checklist for Restaurants

Reading Time: 6 minutes Ice Safety

Health Inspection Checklist for Restaurants

All restaurants need to follow health code guidelines or they can be asked to shut their doors. The average restaurant gets a visit from the health inspector 2-3 times a year. We give you ten practices that will prevent your restaurant from getting a violation.