How to Clean an Ice Maker Water Filter

Reading Time: 6 minutes Ice Machine Cleaning

water filter graphic

An ice machine water filter protects your unit from harmful minerals and particulates that can lead to scale and freeze ups. Not all water filters are the same though. Depending on your water condition, you may have an advanced water filtration system that requires special care. We show you which water filters you can clean yourself and which you’ll have to replace.

How to Clean an Ice Maker of Mold and Slime

Reading Time: 8 minutes Ice Machine Cleaning, Ice Safety

Ice Machine Mold

Mold and slime have the potential to grow in any area where yeast and moisture are present. For this reason, ice machines need extra special care to stay within health codes. In this article, we’ll discuss the environmental conditions that lead to mold and slime growth and what you can do to prevent or clean mold and slime in your ice machine.